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We will make you safer, stronger, and more control of your life

Meet Our Instructors

Tracy's Karate Studio

Looking to hone your martial arts skills in St. Louis? Tracy's Karate Studio offers exceptional training with a personal touch. Our instructors have over 50 years of combined experience, providing you with the guidance you need to succeed. We're dedicated to your success, ensuring you receive personalized, one-on-one time to develop your skills. Reach out to us to get started with our specialized training programs.

Tim Golby

Judan 10th Degree Black Belt 

Tim Golby started his Martial Art training in 1969 while attending Kenrick Seminary.

He was one of the original students at the Kirkwood Studio. During this period Tim left the seminary and later became an instructor. The list of instructors whom Tim trained under reads like a list of who’s who in the Martial Arts. The major influences on Tim’s Martial Arts are Al Tracy, Joe Lewis, Rodney Hard and Ken McGuire (his original teacher).

Tim’s Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt) was awarded to him by Joe Lewis. Joe Lewis developed a fighting system based on his training with Bruce Lee. Joe Lewis personally trained Tim teaching him the fighting principles that would later produce nationally ranked fighters under Mr. Golby. Mr. Lewis also awarded Tim the Checkered Gi. (The Checkered Gi was made famous by Joe Lewis is the highest honor a fighter can receive in the Tracy System.)

In 1972 Tim took over the Kirkwood Studio. One of Tim’s top students, Dave Hofer, was winning every tournament in the Mid-West. In a special banquet attended by Al Tracy and Joe Lewis, Dave Hofer was awarded the Checkered Gi. Back in those days Karate Tournaments were bare knuckle. The foam sparring gear was still a few years away.

Tim’s next great fighter was Sid Gee. Sid started his tournament career in the mid 1970’s and later in the 1980’s became a nationally ranked fighter.

In 1976 Tim started training a visiting European full contact fighter from the Netherlands Joop Musterd. Over the next several years Tim made several trips to the Netherlands giving seminars. Tim introduced kick boxing to Europe.

Over the years Tim has promoted hundreds of black belts and still continues to produce top fighters.

On June 29th, 2013, Mr. Golby was promoted to Judan 10th Degree Black Belt.

A man in a black karate uniform is standing in front of a wooden wall.

A man in a black karate uniform is standing in front of a wooden wall.

Dan Golby

Shichidan 7th Degree Black Belt 

Dan Golby is a 7th Degree Black Belt and Master Instructor at Tracy’s Karate Studio. As Tim Golby’s son, Dan has been a part of the Tracy’s family quite literally since birth. From taking his first steps at the studio to spending his entire adult life teaching people every day how to defend themselves and be more confident, Dan has been at home at Tracy’s.

Dan is committed first and foremost to improving the lives of all his students by instilling in them the confidence, skills and knowledge necessary for defending themselves in all situations. Teaching self-defense to men, women and children is what Dan has devoted his life to, and for which he has a unique talent.

In addition to teaching, Dan also loves American Sport Karate, and that interest has propelled him to become a Midwest Champion in both heavy and middleweight Black Belt sparring for several years. Dan was 1st Place in both the Midwest Martial Arts Association and the United Karate Alliance. In addition to personal knowledge and success in competition, Dan has trained and takes great pride in the many students who have gone on to become Champions in their own right around the Midwest.

The Tracy’s family tradition continues through Dan and now includes his daughter, Kayla, who is also instructing at the studio. Dan is very proud of Kayla and her talent and success.

“There are many aspects to the martial arts, but the most important one to me is the self-confidence and the knowledge to be safe and to know you are safe. Whether you are a man with his family at a ball game, a woman walking alone, or a kid at school, Tracy’s Karate Studio can – and will – teach you to defend yourself!” – Dan Golby

Kayla Golby

3rd Degree Brown Belt  

Kayla Golby, the next generation at Tracy’s Karate Studio in St. Louis, began training when she was six years old. She studies under her instructor and father, Dan Golby, son of Grand Master, Tim Golby.

Kayla teaches Saturday Kids Group Class.

As she grew up, karate has helped Kayla feel confidence with anything, not just self-defense, and for that reason, she teaches her students to come out of their shells and feel confident with protecting themselves as she did at their age.

Every employee at Tracy’s Karate Studio treats each other as family. Kayla loves that she can talk to them knowing they want to help her achieve her goals and help overcome the obstacles in life.

“I hope that the kids that walk into this studio understand that every single one of these instructors’ goals is to make their students feel safe. I especially love teaching kids because they can relate closer to me than other instructors and tell me personal things. I know that they trust me and it makes me know I’m connecting with them.” – Kayla Golby

Kayla Golby

A bald man in a black karate uniform is standing in front of a wooden wall

David da Silvia

Shichidan 7th Degree Black Belt

David da Silva’s family emigrated from Brazil, and David was raised the youngest of 8 children, here in St. Louis. His Portuguese accent and cultural differences set him slightly apart from other kids, and he turned to martial to help gain confidence. He began at age 8 in Judo, and then began Kenpo at 10. He earned his Black Belt at Tracy’s Karate Studio under master instructor Sid Gee in 1992. David has taught Karate for 25+ years. He is an accomplished tournament fighter and was awarded the Checkered GI.

Besides teaching Karate, David is a Nurse at a local hospital. He also has a degree in Graphic Arts.

David is keenly aware of students’ individual needs. He enjoys teaching all ages, but takes a special interest in the young students who may be facing bullying at school. He shares a story of a father, who was at first reluctant and uncertain about his young son taking karate, who came to David on his son’s 18th birthday and said, “You changed the life of my son, and I can never repay you.” 

Yet David will tell you that it is this experience and others like it that has changed his life. What you will learn quickly about David is his philosophical outlook on his life and his work.

“Karate has balanced me. I see the positive influence I can have on people. It has helped me through the rough parts of my life and taught me to adjust. I have a better understanding of people and I am a better Nurse because of it. Karate has brought me peace. Tracy’s Karate Studio is family.” – David da Silva

Steve Beatty

Rokodan 6th Degree Black Belt 

Interest in the martial arts developed early for Steve when his parents suggested he study karate.

His training, begun in 1997, with master instructor Joe Talbot at Tracy’s Karate Studio, built confidence and also a curiosity about the culture that inspired martial arts.

In 2004, Steve traveled to China and there he studied with the formerly ranked seventh highest Wu Shu martial artist.

Steve began teaching at Tracy’s Karate Studio on 2006, and his exposure to other styles, such as Tai Chi, Judo, and Wu Shu Shoalin, incorporated with his knowledge of Kenpo, make him an accomplished teacher of the mixed martial arts. At Tracy’s Karate Studio in Kirkwood, Steve is devoted to instruction.

Steve has also been awarded the prestigious Checkered Gi worn only by the top Tracy fighters.

He teaches approximately 30 private lesson students each week, and his superior knowledge and skill with nun-chucks is available for those whose interests lie in karate weapons training.

In addition to karate and teaching, Steve is an avid bicyclist/motorcyclist and reader – he describes himself as “an interesting mix of nerd and adventurer.” In 2006 he and his brother James traveled 5000 miles across the US on their motorcycles off road.

They made a documentary of their adventures, titled “The Road Less Traveled”, and they invite you to check out The Road Less Traveled Movie website.

Steve has many goals for his future. He plans to become a 5th Degree Master Instructor and to have his own Tracy’s Karate studio. He is also a stand-up comedian.

While he works toward those goals, his focus is always on his students: “…to have all my students walk out of here happy and self-confident – I want to get them fired up! I want to develop students who get so good they surpass me in every way.”

A man in a black karate uniform is standing in front of a wooden wall

A man with a beard is wearing a black karate uniform

David Hofer

Godan 5th Degree Black Belt

High expectations and thoughtful aspirations define David Hofer. The son of Tracy’s Karate Studio master instructor and 9th degree Black Belt Dave Hofer, this young man has the talent and the understanding of what it takes to be a competitor, a teacher, and a well-rounded person.

David earned his 1st degree Black Belt in March of 2011, while still in high school, and he joined the Kirkwood Tracy’s Karate Studio staff. He enjoys basketball and baseball, but he wanted to learn another sport, and karate seemed the obvious choice. He says, “It changed me – I made more friends on the teams, and I became a better player in all positions because of karate training.” David has already won three Midwest championships in his age division.

David has also been awarded the prestigious Checkered Gi worn only by the top Tracy fighters. After completing his two years at Meramec, David continued on to graduate from UMSL with Bachelors in Business Finance. 

One goal is to become a master instructor in karate: “I want to dedicate a lot of my time and life to karate. I want my students to know that they are getting good training, and to learn not to let the world limit them.

David Lucas

Godan 5th Degree Black Belt

David began training at Tracy’s Karate Studio in St. Louis when he was nine years old. He has studied over the years under karate greats of Sid Gee, Steve Leventhal, Dave Hofer, and Joe Talbot.

Starting at the age of thirteen, he began studying an art of Battōjutsu that taught not just drawing the blade and cutting, but practical fighting with the katana (Japanese saber). He has taken this art, along with other sword arts he has learned over the years and combined it with the advanced principles of Kenpo taught at Tracy’s Karate Studio in St. Louis to create a new sword fighting style.

David strives to understand his student’s needs and learning styles to help them achieve their personal goals in martial arts and in all they do. He is dedicated to his students knowing how to protect themselves in real life situations.

David teaches self-defense classes to community groups. He gives presentations about writing realistic fight scenes and is a published author in short stories, articles on writing and self-defense.

“I don’t know where I would be or if I would have found the confidence to do all I have accomplished without Tracy’s Karate Studio. I want all of my students to know how to defend themselves in any given situation and to feel that same confidence when they are faced with the obstacles life puts in their way.” – David Lucas

A man in a black karate uniform is standing in front of a wooden wall.

A young man in a black karate uniform with a brown belt

Sam Liu

2nd Degree Brown Belt

Samuel Liu, the next generation at Tracy's Karate in St. Louis, began training when he was 11 years old. He has studied under Joe Tablot, David Goss, and is currently studying under David J. Hofer.

Once a sensitive, emotional, chubby 11 year-old, karate has transformed Sam into an confident, disciplined, and active teen. One of the most important virtues he has learned is how to control not only his actions but his emotions as well. He hopes that he can foster, into every student, a sense of growth through invaluable life skills, such as courage and focus, and being able to protect oneself.

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